A shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling ground pepper.
Examples for "pepper shaker"
Examples for "pepper shaker"
1Isabel took the pepper shaker off her stack of empty packets.
2She straightened her index finger and jabbed at the pepper shaker.
3I put the phone on the counter, unplugged it, and grabbed a pepper shaker.
4She swept her little pile of wrappers and the pepper shaker onto the floor.
5She sent him to get her soda, asked him to find the hot pepper shaker for her.
1Catch me discussing the Afghan question with you, you little pepper pot.
2Tech up your dining table with this salt and pepper pot set.
3A bulky envelope-shepresumed it held the keys-laypropped against a silver pepper pot.
4The knuckle from the leg of veal may be used for stews, soups, stock or pepper pot.
5The rest of the ship was a mess too -parts of its exterior resembling the lid of a pepper pot.
1Only put no Church nor State into it, nor upset any other pepper box that way.
2With a flourish he grabbed the little pepper box to suit the action to the words, and nothing came out.
3And just now, a small silver book, a pepper box with silver top, and some muslin work have arrived from Birmingham.-Evening
4Two glass salt cellars, a mustard pot, a vinegar cruet, and a pepper box, also 4s., 4d., 4d., 4d., 4d., 2s.
52l., 2s., 1s., 6d., 6d., 6d., 5s., 2s., also two candlesticks, a pepper box, and a handkerchief.
6"Very imprudent of me, but I hope he will sneeze his handsome nose off," she said, giving the pepper box another shake.